The All-In Campaign

Years ago, God gave us a dream to start a church that would reach people in our community who weren’t already being reached by other churches. 14 years, 6 moves, 400 baptisms, and 500 first-time decisions to follow Jesus later, we are still seeing God move. As many of you know, for the last few years, we have been straining against space issues as God continues to bring new people through our doors. We’ve increased to four weekend service times to accommodate the growth, our kids space is consistently stretched, and we utilize our facility to capacity most nights of the week.

A year ago, God presented us with an opportunity to purchase the adjacent property debt-free, effectively doubling the size of our campus and finally allowing for much-needed expansion. It’s time!

The Need

Increased Parking: Expanding our parking lot to accommodate our current weekend attendance, as well as future growth.

Increased Children Space: Allowing our RiseKids ministry to take over the current facility to better serve the ever-increasing amount of children we serve each weekend.

Larger Worship & Community Areas: Building a brand new worship center to not only free up space for kids and students, but to allow us to continue reaching more people for Jesus. (We currently have to hold 4 weekend services just to accommodate our current attendees).

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the timeline for completing this project?

Based on our calculations and faith that our entire church family will participate at their own level, we estimate that we’d be able to break ground on the new parking lot within the first year. The new building would be completed within the next 4 years. Of course, God can decide to do anything while building His church. Any larger gifts that come in during this season have the potential to expedite the entire process.

Why are we building the parking lot first?

Our current parking lot doesn’t even accommodate our present numbers, much less allow for future growth. If we increase facility space first, we’ll make plenty of room for people, but those people won’t be able to park anywhere.

What will happen to the current facility?

Once the new parking lot and worship center are complete, our current building will be converted to accommodate a much larger number of children and students during weekend services and throughout the week.

How can I get involved?

The most important thing is to PRAY. Pray for more people to make giving commitments toward the project. Pray for God to provide in amazing ways. Pray that God would speed up the timeline if it’s part of His plan!

Next, please RESPOND however God leads you. If we ALL participate by committing to give toward this project, we can model what God is able to do through a church that is all-in for Jesus!

You’re invited to financially support Rise Church in this season of growth by making an “All-In Commitment” below. You can also GIVE NOW to the continuing ministry of Rise Church as we pursue God’s vision! Thank you for your faithfulness and generosity!

The Ask

The next, exciting season of Rise Church will ask each of us to step out in faith, giving above and beyond, with genuine sacrifice, to respond to the most significant Kingdom investment in our church’s history.

This initiative will require participation from our entire church family, giving with gratitude for all God has done, and with eager anticipation for what He has yet to do. It’s not the size of your gift, but your willing heart to give, that matters. We care far more that our entire church family participates…than we do about the amount of the gifts. We've done the math… And if everyone simply participates, at their own level, we can accomplish this task together, not giving equal gifts, but gifts of equal sacrifice.

What would it look like if we all jumped in? We’ll get to continue seeing God do immeasurably more than we could ever ask or imagine. Let’s do this!

Ready to make your "All-In" commitment?

The following “Giving Estimator” is simply an example of what a commitment might look like. We ask that each individual or family carefully pray and plan what amount they’re able to commit. Your amount may fall outside of the below options, and that’s great! Remember, we’d rather everyone be involved in building God’s church, no matter what amount you’re able to contribute.



Set Up Your "All-In" Giving

Thank you for committing to go all in for the next season of Rise Church. Thank you for your faithfulness, generosity, and response to the most significant season in the history of our church.


You can initiate your one-time gift or set up recurring giving right now for your All-In Commitment with a few easy steps!

Other Ways To Give

Give Online

Via the website or app with a Credit/Debit card, Bank Account, or eCheck. We accept all major credit cards. 

Give By Text

Text "RiseGive" to ___________ to get started. After registering, giving is only 2 taps away. This option is limited to giving your tithe or to the All-In Campaign.

Give In-Person

Check or cash given at a service or by visiting the main office during business hours: Monday-Thursday 9am-4pm.

Mail A Check

Via mail to Rise Church, PO Box 3008, Visalia, CA 93278, Attn: Rise Giving